gazetteer ========= These scripts are used in conjunction with -O gazetter mode of osm2pgsql to generate a database suitable for geo-coding Changes ======= Requirements ============ - PostgreSQL - PostGIS Operation ========= 1) Make the database createdb gazetteer createlang plpgsql gazetteer cat /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/_int.sql | psql gazetteer cat /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/lwpostgis.sql | psql gazetteer cat /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql | psql gazetteer osm2pgsql -l -O gazetter -d gazetteer planet.osm.bz2 2) Build the transliteration module cd gazetter make 3) Various suplimentary data, used to patch holes in OSM data cat import_worldboundaries.sql | psql gazetteer cat import_gb_postcode.sql | psql gazetteer cat import_gb_postcodearea.sql | psql gazetteer cat import_us_state.sql | psql gazetteer cat import_us_statecounty.sql | psql gazetteer 4) Create website user (apache or www-user) createuser -SDR www-data 5) Add gazetteer functions to database cat gazetteer-functions.sql | psql gazetteer cat gazetteer-tables.sql | psql gazetteer 6) Index the database - this will take a VERY long time! cat gazetteer-index.sql | psql gazetteer (Or use php -f reindex.php 100 ; php -f reindex.php 1) 7) Various 'special' words for searching - see file for details cat import_specialwords.sql | psql gazetteer 7) setup the website cp website/* ~/public_html/